Interview – Triple J Hack with David Marchese
Subjects: Jobs, JobSeeker, mutual obligations, Workforce Australia and PBAS
Interview - 10 News First Breakfast with Natasha Exelby
Subjects: Minimum wage increase, inflation, Australia–China relations
Interview - Radio National with Patricia Karvelas
Subjects: Minimum standards for gig economy workers; teacher strikes; crossbench staff.
Tomorrow's minimum wage increase a win for women, part time workers and the heroes of the pandemic
Albanese Govt. achieves pay rise for 2.8 million Australians
Interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda with Kieran Gilbert
SUBJECTS: Uber and Transport Workers Union agreement; gig economy workers’ rights; employment services.
Important step on rights for gig workers
Albanese Govt to push for gig workers to have better pay conditions
A clean slate and more flexibility for job seekers
The Albanese Labor Government is making changes to the new employment services system so job seekers will start with a clean slate and have more flexibility in how they choose to get job ready.
Interview - The World Today with David Lipson
Subjects: inflations, wages.
Interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda
Subjects: Sri Lanka, border protection, skill shortage, labour market.
Interview – Sky News with Andrew Clennell
SUBJECTS: jobactive, Workforce Australia, Points Based Activation System (PBAS), minimum wage, wages growth, enterprise…
New ABS Labour Force Figures
New labour force figures confirm the time is right to make the shift to stronger wage growth and increased job security.
Interview – Afternoon Briefing ABC News with Greg Jennett
Subjects: National electricity wholesale market; Fair Work wages decision; tourism, aviation and hospitality sectors.