Round Four NCI Partnership Grants help young people plan for future careers
More young people can improve their career outcomes thanks to the latest of the Australian Government’s National Careers Institute (NCI) Partnership Grants.
Jobs and Skills Australia
The Albanese Government is taking immediate action to address the urgent skills crisis, by introducing legislation to establish Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA).
Interview - ABC RN Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas
E&OE TRANSCRIPT SUBJECTS: ABCC abolition, paid family and domestic violence leave, Fair Work Ombudsman.
Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
EO&E Topics: Climate change; Jobs and Skills Australia; Skilled migration; Jobs Summit.
Universal paid leave for family and domestic violence
More than 11 million Australian workers – including casuals – will have access to 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave under Albanese Labor Government legislation to be introduced…
Interview - ABC Insiders with David Speers
E&OE Transcript Subjects: Wages growth; gig economy; secure work; ABCC; Parliament; climate targets.
Restoring equal rights for construction workers
The Albanese Labor Government has taken another step towards ending the unfair treatment of building and construction workers.
Meeting of federal, state and territory skills ministers
Federal and State Skills and Training Ministers met to reset negotiations on the National Skills Agreement, and strengthen Australia’s TAFE and training sector.
Press conference, Melbourne
E&OE Topics: Skills Minister Meeting, Skilled Migration, Economic recovery.
Interview - ABC News 18 July 2022
E&OE SUBJECTS: COVID Pandemic Leave Payment, casual work, COVID recovery.
Unemployment rate falls to 48-year low
Australia’s unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level in 48 years - confirming the time is right to focus on higher wages, better job security and building a bigge
Visit to Washington DC
I will attend meetings in Washington DC from 11-15 July 2022 as part of the thirtieth Australian American Leadership Dialogue (AALD).