Senator the Hon Murray Watt
- Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Senator the Hon Murray Watt was sworn in as Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations on 29 July 2024.
Filter Murray Watt's releases
Interview with Sarah Ferguson - ABC 7.30
Subjects: CFMEU; Albanese Government Ministry; Higher wages and secure jobs.
Building a stronger workforce for a stronger industry
A food supply chain workforce capacity study will be undertaken by Jobs and Skills Australia to identify the best opportunities to grow a targeted workforce in the agriculture sector.
First Jobs and Skills Council to focus on agribusiness open for business
The Albanese Government’s first Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) is now up and running, which will help the agribusiness sector get the skilled workers they need.
Government delivers on expanding the Pacific workforce - six months early
The Albanese Government has reached a major milestone – six months ahead of schedule – with more than 35,000 Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) workers now in Australia.