The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP
- Minister for Skills and Training
The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP was Minister for Skills and Training from 1 June 2022 to 29 July 2024.
Filter Brendan O'Connor 's releases
International Labour Organization - Plenary Address, Advancing Social Justice
Distinguished representatives from Governments, Workers and Employers groups from around the world.
Speech - NECA electrotech industry lunch
(Check against delivery) Thank you to the National Electrical and Communications Association for inviting me to speak.
First Jobs and Skills Council to focus on agribusiness open for business
The Albanese Government’s first Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) is now up and running, which will help the agribusiness sector get the skilled workers they need.
VET key to tackling regional skills shortages
The latest quarterly Labour Market Update released by Jobs and Skills Australia reveals skills shortages are…
Number of Aussie tech workers on the rise
Australia’s tech workforce has grown 8 per cent in the past 12 months, putting the nation on track to achieve the Government’s goal of 1.2 million technology related jobs by 2030.
Australians enrolling in Fee-Free TAFE in droves
The Albanese Government has supported almost 150,000 Australians to enrol in Fee-Free TAFE already this year, marking the start of a once in a generation reform of the TAFE and Vocational…
Communique of meeting of Federal, State and Territory Skills Ministers
Federal, State and Territory Skills and Training Ministers met in Darwin to progress negotiations towards a new National Skills Agreement (NSA) to support a modern and responsive skills sector.
Fee Free TAFE saving Territorians thousands
Students are thousands of dollars better off due to Fee-Free TAFE, which is removing cost barriers and helping Territorians get the skills they need to access well-paid and secure jobs.
New investment in skills paves way for AUKUS workforce
The Albanese Government’s Budget invests nearly $150 million to start delivering the skills and workforce we need to deliver Australia’s nuclear-powered submarine program through AUKUS.
Skilling and training Australians for a stronger economy and a better future
The Albanese Government’s 2023-24 Budget will help to rebuild and modernise our skills sector to ensure a stronger and more resilient economy and give more Australians the opportunity to access well…
Fee-Free TAFE giving more Tasmanians access to skills and training
The Albanese Government’s Fee-Free TAFE has been widely embraced in Tasmania, with almost half of the 2023 places taken up, helping to address future workforce demand and skills shortages.
Press conference - Hobart
Subjects: Fee-Free TAFE, housing shortage, Macquarie Point precinct development.