The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP
- Minister for Skills and Training
The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP was Minister for Skills and Training from 1 June 2022 to 29 July 2024.
Filter Brendan O'Connor 's releases
Interview - ABC Radio National Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas
E&OE TRANSCRIPT Subjects: Quality control for vocational education sector, paid superannuation for maternity leave.
Stamping out dodgy VET providers
The Albanese Government is improving the integrity of Australia’s Vocational Education and Training sector to combat operators attempting to rort the system and to better protect vulnerable…
Transcript - ABC Radio National with Cassie McCullagh
Topics: Employment White Paper, VET and TAFE requirements, Skill shortages.
Transcript - ABC Afternoon Briefing with Greg Jennett
Topics: Employment White Paper, National Skills Agreement, Remote work and work from home.
Transcript - additional fee-free TAFE places for SA
Australian and South Australian Governments announce more Fee-Free TAFE from 2024
The Albanese and Malinauskas Governments will deliver thousands of additional Fee-Free TAFE and VET places for South Australians from January next year, with the partnership continuing to work…
Turbocharging TAFE Centres of Excellence and accelerating apprenticeships
The Albanese Government will equip more Australians with the skills of the future by turbocharging TAFE Centres of Excellence and accelerating the take up of higher and degree apprenticeships in…
National Skills Passport
The Government’s vision is for a dynamic and inclusive labour market where everyone has the opportunity for secure, fairly paid work and people, businesses and communities can be beneficiaries of…
Albanese and Cook Governments deliver more Fee-Free TAFE
The Albanese and Cook Governments will continue their partnership to deliver Fee Free TAFE and vocational education and training (VET) places to Western Australians over the next three years.
Building a stronger workforce for a stronger industry
A food supply chain workforce capacity study will be undertaken by Jobs and Skills Australia to identify the best opportunities to grow a targeted workforce in the agriculture sector.
Ministerial Statement - Revitalising National Planning in Vocational Education and Training
Speaker – Today I wish to outline two fundamental reforms implemented by our government in the Skills and Training portfolio.