Release type: Media Release


Upgraded facilities for Victoria’s carpenters under TAFE Technology Fund


The Hon Andrew Giles MP
Minister for Skills and Training

Minister for Skills and Training Andrew Giles today unveiled the $900,000 upgrade of the Melbourne Polytechnic’s Epping campus under the Albanese Government’s TAFE Technology Fund.

The upgrade of Melbourne Polytechnic is part of the first tranche of projects funded through the $50 million TAFE Technology Fund.

Melbourne Polytechnic has transformed a classroom into a new computer lab, moved its horticulture team to a more suitable facility, expanded its carpentry program and built two other new classrooms.

Carpentry students can now better develop their practical skills through hands-on learning. The new classrooms will provide facilities that foster creativity, collaboration and effective teaching methods, catering to a growing student cohort across multiple disciplines.

Under the fund, the Australian Government has invested $8.61 million to deliver six infrastructure projects to upgrade and expand TAFE facilities across Victoria, including at Epping, in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

This investment in TAFE infrastructure is complemented by the Commonwealth’s ongoing support for Free TAFE places.

Around 600,000 Australians have enrolled in Free TAFE since its launch on 1 January 2023.

Free TAFE, delivered in partnership between the Australian and state and territory governments, removes financial barriers for people to train in areas of high demand and significant skills shortages.

More than 108,400 Victorians enrolled in Free TAFE from 1 January 2023 to 30 September 2024, with over 13,300 enrolments in the housing and construction sector.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Andrew Giles MP

“The Albanese Government is giving TAFEs around the country the infrastructure they need to deliver a top-notch education.

“Investing in TAFE facilities to ensure they meet industry standards is essential for students studying carpentry to help build the homes we need.”

“The investment here at Melbourne Polytechnic will sit alongside our Free TAFE initiative providing 5,200 new construction and housing places in Victoria.

“We are building a vocational education and training system that is prepared to meet the skill needs not just for the jobs of now but that is ready to teach skills for the jobs that our government is working hard to create.

"There is a clear choice - Peter Dutton and the Liberals will cut Free TAFE and make Australians pay more. Under Albo and Labor Free TAFE is here to stay, with more tradies and training for Australians that need it."