Your search returned 310 results.
Interview – Triple J Hack with David Marchese
Subjects: Jobs, JobSeeker, mutual obligations, Workforce Australia and PBAS
Interview - 10 News First Breakfast with Natasha Exelby
Subjects: Minimum wage increase, inflation, Australia–China relations
Interview - Radio National with Patricia Karvelas
Subjects: Minimum standards for gig economy workers; teacher strikes; crossbench staff.
Interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda with Kieran Gilbert
SUBJECTS: Uber and Transport Workers Union agreement; gig economy workers’ rights; employment services.
Interview - The World Today with David Lipson
Subjects: inflations, wages.
Interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda
Subjects: Sri Lanka, border protection, skill shortage, labour market.
Interview – Sky News with Andrew Clennell
SUBJECTS: jobactive, Workforce Australia, Points Based Activation System (PBAS), minimum wage, wages growth, enterprise…
Interview – Afternoon Briefing ABC News with Greg Jennett
Subjects: National electricity wholesale market; Fair Work wages decision; tourism, aviation and hospitality sectors.
Press conference, Gladstone Convention Centre
Subjects: Powering Australia Plan; Fair Work Commission’s Minimum Wage Increase; National Energy Market; AEMO; Inflation; Regional Australia Commitments; October Budget; Nadesalingam Family.
Interview – Radio National with Patricia Karvelas
Subjects: Wages; Fair Work submission; inflation; productivity; Jobs Summit; enterprise bargaining; energy prices; arts sector; cross bench and question time.