Interview - ABC AM with Sabra Lane
Subjects: Closing Loopholes Bill, criminalising wage theft, closing the labour hire loophole, the upcoming referendum.
Interview - ABC 7.30
Subjects: Closing Loopholes Bill, closing the labour hire loophole, wage theft, setting minimum standards for gig economy workers.
Albanese Labor Government to Close the labour Hire Loophole
The Albanese Labor Government will protect Australian workers from having their pay undercut – by closing the labour hire loophole.
Interview - ABC Insiders with David Speers
Subjects: Closing Loopholes Bill, criminalising wage theft, introducing minimum standards to the gig economy.
Small business exemptions in Closing Loopholes Bill
The Albanese Labor Government is committed to providing support, certainty, and fairness for Australian small businesses.
Albanese Labor Government to criminalise wage theft
The Albanese Labor Government is standing up for Australian workers by delivering on our promise to criminalise wage theft across the nation.
Albanese Labor Government to criminalise industrial manslaughter
The Albanese Labor Government will make Australian workplaces safer by criminalising industrial manslaughter.
Supporting first responders in ACT and Commonwealth workplaces
The Albanese Labor Government will make it easier for first responders who develop post-traumatic stress disorder to access workers’ compensation.
Q&A National Press Club Speech, Closing Loopholes Bill
Speech - National Press Club, Closing the Loopholes Bill
Interview - ABC Radio National Breakfast
Subjects: Closing Loopholes Bill, Voice Referendum.
Speech - Apprenticeship Support Australia 25th Year Celebration Lunch
Since 1998, the Australian Apprenticeship Centre, and more recently, Apprenticeship Support Australia, has a played pivotal role in supporting apprentices to transition from training to tradesperson.