Your search returned 246 results.
Interview - Sunrise with Monique Wright
Subjects: Getting wages moving, Closing Loopholes, cost of living, polling.
Interview - ABC Adelaide Mornings with Paul Gough
Subjects: Fee-Free TAFE, VET Sector, TAFE career pathways, Australian skills shortage
Interview - 6PR Mornings with Gary Adshead
Subjects: Ban on engineered stone, Closing Loopholes laws, minimum standards for the gig economy, casual conversion.
Interview - Sky News Afternoon Agenda with Tom Connell
Subjects: Fee-Free TAFE, Migration Strategy, UN resolution
Media conference - Eagle Farm TAFE, Brisbane
Subjects: Fee-Free TAFE and VET places.
Interview - Aaron Stevens, 4RO Rockhampton
Subjects: Closing Loopholes laws pass Parliament, pay rise for labour hire workers in Central Queensland.
ABC Radio Melbourne with Ali Moore
Topics: Ten-year Migration Strategy, tighter visa processes, ASQA regulator.
Interview - 2HD Newcastle
SUBJECTS: Closing Loopholes passes Parliament, skills shortage, new migration strategy.
Press conference, Parliament House
E&OE TRANSCRIPT Subjects: Support for Closing Loopholes in the Senate, preventative detention.
Media conference - Meadowbank Applied Institute of TAFE, NSW
Subjects: Fee-Free TAFE; Niagara Falls incident; Visa provisions to Palestinians and Israelis; Infrastructure spending; Energy prices; inflation; oil prices.
Interview - RN Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas
Subjects: Workplace relations changes, jobs, Hamas-Israel conflict.
Media conference - TasTAFE Clarence Campus, Warrane
GRANT DREHER, TasTAFE CEO: Welcome, everybody.