Your search returned 270 results.
Annual real wages continue to grow under Labor
New data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows annual real wages continue to grow under the Albanese Labor Government.
New Fair Work Commission appointments
Two new appointments have been made to the Fair Work Commission as the Albanese Government delivers on its promise to restore balance to the Commission.
Trialling better supports for Workforce Australia participants
The Australian Government is undertaking service improvement trials for Workforce Australia Online to better meet the needs of the people that use them.
Half a million Australians have enrolled in Fee-Free TAFE
The Albanese Government’s Fee-Free TAFE initiative continues to exceed targets, with half a million Australians enrolling in courses of high skills demand since January 1 last year.
Early Childhood Education and Care TAFE Centre of Excellence
The Albanese and Malinauskas Labor Governments are jointly investing $28 million to establish a TAFE Centre of Excellence in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Nearly 930,000 jobs created under Albanese Labor Government
Nearly 930,000 jobs have been created since the Albanese Labor Government came to office with an additional 50,200 people in work over the past month.
Taking action to clean up the construction industry
The number one job of any union and its officials is to look after its members.The reported behaviour from the construction division of the CFMEU is the complete opposite of this.
$35 million Care and Support TAFE Centre of Excellence for Cairns
The Albanese and Miles Labor Governments are jointly investing $35 million to establish a Care and Support TAFE Centre of Excellence at Queensland TAFE’s Cairns campus.
Training boost for the Northern Territory under TAFE Technology Fund
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to support the growth of TAFE in the Northern Territory, investing $2.5 million to establish a Technical Trades Training Centre at Charles Darwin…
Renal health care TAFE training boost for regional Western Australia
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to support the growth of TAFE in regional Western Australia, investing $1.1 million to upgrade facilities at North Regional TAFE’s Pundulmurra campus.…
Government response to the House Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services
The Albanese Government has today released its response to the findings of the House Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services and agrees reforms are necessary.
Free Foundation Skills training for millions more Australians
The Albanese Labor Government is delivering on a $436 million commitment to give millions more Australians the opportunity to improve their reading, writing, numeracy and digital literacy – also…